




1. 英文实习证明模板



To Whom It May Concern:

This is to certify that [your name] has completed [the period of internship] at [company name] from [start date] to [end date].

During this period, [he / she] has completed [a range of tasks] and made significant contributions to the company. [He / she] performed [his / her] duties with diligence and exceptional skill.

[He / She] is a valued member of our team, who has an excellent work attitude and great interpersonal skills. We are confident that [he / she] will be an excellent addition to any organization in the future.


[Your Name]


[Company Name]


2. 英文实习证明格式


  1. 要写明实习人员的姓名和实习时间。

  2. 写明实习单位,包括名称、地址、联系方式等基本信息。

  3. 描述实习内容和所取得的实习成果。

  4. 详细说明实习人员在实习中的表现,包括工作态度、工作能力等。

  5. 使用公司公章并由公司负责人签字。


3. 英文实习证明样例


Internship Certificate

To Whom It May Concern:

This is to certify that [your name], a student of [your university name] majoring in [your major], successfully completed [the period of internship] in the [department name] department at [company name] from [start date] to [end date].

During this period, [he / she] has worked on a variety of projects, such as [project name 1], [project name 2] and [project name 3]. [He / she] has played an active role in completing these projects and has made significant contributions to our company.

[He / She] is highly responsible, capable and willing to learn. [He / She] was able to adapt quickly to changes and new tasks. [He / She] communicated clearly with colleagues and was always ready to help.

We believe that [he / she] is an excellent candidate for any organization. We wish [him / her] a bright future in [his / her] career.


[Your Name]


[Company Name]


4. 英文实习证明中的关键词


  1. Certify:意为“证明,确认”。

  2. To Whom It May Concern:相当于中文的“敬启者”,标明证明的对象。

  3. Completed:完成。

  4. Range of tasks:任务范围。

  5. Significant contributions:重要贡献。

  6. Diligence:勤恳。

  7. Exceptional skill:卓越的能力。

  8. Work attitude:工作态度。

  9. Interpersonal skills:人际交往能力。


5. 英文实习证明的重要性



6. 英文实习证明的注意事项


  1. 在使用英文实习证明模板的同时,需要对证明的内容进行修改和完善。

  2. 证明中要明确表述实习人员所管辖的工作内容、时间、区域和经历等。

  3. 证明中要注明实习人员的表现和贡献。

  4. 证明中要体现出实习人员的态度、能力和素质等,以使证明真实可信。


7. 英文实习证明的翻译



8. 英文实习证明的常用词汇


  1. congratulation:祝贺。

  2. diploma:毕业证书。

  3. graduate:毕业生。

  4. mentor:指导教师。

  5. position:职位。

  6. qualification:资格证书。

  7. recommendation:推荐。

  8. skill:技能。


9. 英文实习证明的样例模板


Internship Certificate

To Whom It May Concern:

This is to certify that [your name], a [university name] student, has completed [the period of internship] at [company name] from [start date] to [end date], with major in [major name].

During the internship period, [he / she] has worked in [department name] department and has successfully completed a range of tasks, including [task 1], [task 2] and [task 3]. [He / She] has worked with great diligence and exceptional skill, and has made significant contributions to our company.

[He / She] has displayed a high level of responsibility, adaptability, and team collaboration. [He / She] has worked well with colleagues and has displayed excellent interpersonal skills.

We believe that [he / she] is well-prepared to embark on a promising career. We wish [him / her] the best of luck in all future endeavors.


[Your Name]


[Company Name]


10. 英文实习证明的注意事项之实习单位公章



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